TryIMG Gets a Supercharged Upgrade!

TryIMG Supercharged Upgrade

We’re thrilled to announce some incredible upgrades at TryIMG! We’re dedicated to providing you with the absolute best experience for hosting your images, and these changes are all about making TryIMG faster, more efficient, and smoother than ever before.

Level Up Your Images with Our Latest Platform

We’ve made the jump to the latest version of our image hosting platform. This means you can expect:

  • Improved functionality: We’re constantly working to improve the features and tools available on TryIMG. This upgrade brings those improvements directly to you, making your image hosting experience even more powerful.
  • Enhanced security: Security is paramount when it comes to your images. The latest platform offers the most up-to-date security measures to keep your photos and data safe.
  • A more streamlined experience: We’ve focused on making things easier and more intuitive for you.

Unleash the Power of the Cloud: Blazing-Fast Speeds

We’ve taken image hosting to the next level by adopting a cutting-edge super cloud infrastructure. Here’s what this means for you:

  • Supercharged Performance: We’re boasting a whopping 128GB of RAM, ensuring lightning-fast processing and responsiveness.
  • Warp-Speed Storage: Experience industry-leading speeds with our 4TB NVME x10 storage. Uploads, downloads, and image access will be a blur!
  • 10gbps Connection: The cherry on top? Our 10gbps connection ensures seamless data transfer, making everything on TryIMG feel incredibly fast.

We’re confident these upgrades will make TryIMG your go-to platform for all your image hosting needs. We can’t wait for you to experience the difference!

Stay tuned for more exciting announcements from TryIMG in the future!

Banned multiple porn websites

Banned Websites

After a long consideration, we have decided to ban a huge list of porn warez websites. We were getting huge traffic load and server CPU usage because of those illegal websites. We will not name those websites but the ones banned would know if they are banned and blocked or not.

What are illegal images?
We are sure that you are not a kindergarten student. You know what illegal means.

We don’t like to restrict our users. Yes it is allowed. However, make sure you are not using for commercial purposes. Please respect our service as we are offering you free of cost image hosting.

We clearly mention these two points in our terms of services. We are giving you a service free of cost and bearing all the and we would like you to donate us to keep working.

Donate us in Bitcoins, Ethereum, Litecoin or Ripple.

Database Lost, Images still exist

Dear Users,

We had a pretty bad couple of weeks when our hosting server provider unexpected hiked the prices to host our website. It created issues for us to continue hosting tons of images with huge bandwidth consumption. We had to cancel our contract with them and move on to another server provider. Our account was suspended and we were not able to take the backups properly. Luckily we generate a backup at the end of every month of all the hosted files, which means we saved all the images ever hosted till September 2017.

TryIMG Unable to Login?

Unfortunately we were not able to restore the images uploaded during the month of October 2017 and we lost our database.

What does this mean to you?

  1. October 2017 hosted files:
    It means if you uploaded anything during the month of October 2017, those images are lost. You can simple upload them again and share.
  2. Lost the database?
    It means all the user accounts and albums that the users ever created with us, are lost. You will not be able to login with your old account details and all the links to your albums that you shared are gone.
  3. What can you do now?
    The previous account and album are lost. So you are requested to create your accounts again on our signup page and continue uploading new images.
  4. What happened to the images I uploaded before October 2017?
    All the images ever hosted before October 2017 are still on our server and whoever has the direct link to those images can still view them. For instance if you hot-linked the images on your website or posted on some forums, they will still be working. But if you shared the album link, they will not be accessible.
  5. Do I need to upload all my images again?
    It is not necessary as those images (prior to Oct. 2017) are still residing on our server and are working with direct links. The only difference is, that you will not be able to see them under your new accounts or albums.

We really regret to break all this information to our users. is the home to host over 200k images free of cost. We are going to make sure that such incidents don’t happen again in the future and we continue to provide quality and best services to our users.

If you have any question, please feel free to contact us any time.

Thanks & Spread Love! Say No to Hatred

Yours Truly, Free Image Hosting Is Back!

Its been quite a bad time for TryImg for last few months. Finally we are back with a new website and ready to serve our clients again. Our servers were reported for hosting some illegal images due to which we had to take down the complete website and started filtering the complete image files manual. TryIMG was hosting over 120GB of images and was consuming over 40TB of bandwidth every month. In our previous system that we had, there was no track of images uploaded by our visitors and the image filenames were randomly generated so it was difficult for us to track down the illegal images. We had to go through each and every file one by one and deleted the insane files. is back! Free image hosting website is back, serving over 120GB images, consuming over 40TB bandwidth every month.

We are glad that Chevereto came up with a new enhanced script which we could use on our new website.

The new features of TryIMG website:

  • Now keep the track of your uploaded images.
  • Create Galleries & Albums to share.
  • Multiple images upload.
  • Short URLs of your uploaded images.
  • 26 languages supported.
  • Privacy settings of your albums.
  • Login via Facebook, Google+, Twitter or VK.
  • and a lot more coming soon.
  • Delete the images with timer (Auto deletion: up to 2 days).
  • NSFW galleries, albums and images hosted separately.

We are excited and glad that around 80% of the previous data has been restored and we are eager to restore the remaining 20%.

Spread the word around about the new and be the part of the best free image hosting website. As always we guarantee a 100% free image hosting with direct links and hotlinking enabled. We are serving you since year 2007 and will continue to serve you for life.

If there are any images you would like to take down, do contact us and we will look into the illegal images seriously!